Webinars content

Nick King
September 2023

Increasing environmental degradation has caused several complex and interlinked challenges affecting the entire planet, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and widespread environmental pollution. Their interaction has given rise to the term 'Polycrisis' as a way of understanding the...

Judy Ling Wong, Karen Devine and Ethny Childs
August 2023

The environment sector is one of the least ethnically diverse sectors in the UK. In order to understand and address this issue, it is crucial that we take a systemic approach to improving diversity through action at multiple levels.

This event featured perspectives on how we can support...

Pierangelo Di Stefano
August 2023
image of plane

Civil aviation is being constrained by the poor understanding of environmental and operational interdependencies. 

Noise, and carbon emissions belong to different physical spheres not directly comparable and managed under separate regulations. Noise reduction has been the priority...

Hayley Warrens, Rebecca Finbow, Paul Gosling, Emma Wilcox
July 2023

Net Zero, digital transformation, interdisciplinary working: all the emerging circumstances of the next decade are fundamentally interwoven with skills, and the need for complex and urgent upskilling.

This panel discussion presents expert perspectives on the skills needed for the future,...

Shona Brown, Nahyan Mubara, Andrew Doherty, Jack Keen
July 2023

The IES report: 'A challenging environment: Experiences of ethnic minority environmental professionals' highlighted that discrimination at sites is a significant issue, with research participants reporting that they faced substantial discrimination and racial abuse at sites. Ensuring ED&I on...

Emma Clarke, Emma Jenkins, Cathy Maguire, Ella Nierhorster
July 2023

Data and digital innovation will be a key part of realising environmental targets and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. This event explores the different ways that data can support environmental regulation and the ways in which this may change in the future:

