Webinars content

Mark Everard
May 2016

In this video by Science for Environment Policy, for the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment, Dr Mark Everard, IES Vice President and Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services at UWE, explains what Ecosystem Services are, how they're valued and applied, and why an...

Carolyn Roberts
June 2015

Are you thinking about innovation in your work as a business or member of a research group? Do you have a good idea for an innovative product or service? Innovate UK, formerly known as the Technology Strategy Board, is a major funder of applied research and development by UK industry and...

Richard Broadbent
December 2014
In a fascinating webinar, Richard Broadbent of Natural England, discussed the idea of the scientific method and how the resultant concepts of scientific confidence and uncertainity influenced the legal concept of the Precautionary Principle upon which EU environmental policy is based. Other...
