From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Adam Donnan
July 2015

Last month the IES published its annual membership survey. The majority of the questions were seeking quantitative responses and these were included in the report. However, the survey also includes a number of free text boxes for members to comment on services and to make general comments...

Carolyn Roberts
June 2015

Are you thinking about innovation in your work as a business or member of a research group? Do you have a good idea for an innovative product or service? Innovate UK, formerly known as the Technology Strategy Board, is a major funder of applied research and development by UK industry and...

Robert Epsom
June 2015

Ricardo-AEA has recently completed the 2015 update of UK Government Conversion Factors for Company Reporting (greenhouse gas (GHG) conversion factors). The latest conversion factors are available via an online tool.

What are the changes?

A notable change to the...

Robert Ashcroft
May 2015

At the start of the last parliament, David Cameron claimed that the coalition would be ‘the greenest government ever’. Over the course of the parliament, this claim was frequently tested by environmental campaigners and his political opposition, particularly concerning the Government’s attitude...

Amy Woodget
May 2015

The use of drones has become one of the latest hot topics within the media, with reports covering everything from their sometimes controversial military applications, to their position at the forefront of the latest Christmas toy craze. Perhaps less frequently publicised is the potential of...

Robert Ashcroft
Discussion paper
April 2015

As the 7th May draws closer, the General Election campaign is nearing its end. However, so far it seems that we've heard relatively little from the prospective candidates and party leaders about their environmental policies. Environmental issues have generally been eclipsed in debate by the...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
