From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Jonathan Turner; Jenna Edgar
March 2013

The ODA and LOCOG set themselves tough sustainability targets for the delivery of Games. These infographics demonstrate how far they got in achieving those targets. 

These images are taken from the February 2012 edition of the environmental SCIENTIST. To receive paper copies of...

Emma Fenton
Discussion paper
February 2013

The investigation into Part 2a of the Environmental Protection Act has thrown up a number of different viewpoints on the reasons for the apparent non-uniformity of designation across the UK. The IES has received technical opinions from Justin Taberham, Technical Policy Director at CIWEM and also...

Emma Fenton
Discussion paper
February 2013

This report serves as a follow-up to the report on open access that was produced by the IES in July 2012. It will investigate the principles and practice of data sharing as part of the open access movement within the publishing industry.

Read the guide (pdf)



Emma Fenton
January 2013

As part of the IES' ongoing exploration of the use of Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act we asked Robin Graham, Contaminated Land Officer from South Ribble Borough Council to share his opinions of the legislation. This article is a summary of that discussion.


Emma Fenton
January 2013

Justin Taberham is Director of Policy at CIWEM. He shares his thoughts on Part 2A of the EPA below.

Under Part 2A land is Contaminated when either Significant Harm (SH) or the Significant Possibility of Significant Harm (SPOSH) or the Pollution of Controlled Waters...

Clare Wilkinson, Emma Weitkamp
December 2012

environmental SCIENTIST | Communicating Environmental Science | October 2012

Clare Wilkinson and Emma Weitkamp give guidance on how best to communicate with policy-makers.

In recent years environmental scientists and researchers have been increasingly encouraged to...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
