From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Adam Cane
June 2023

No matter how technologically advanced we become, there will always be lessons to learn from the natural environment. In recent years beavers have been released in record numbers. This is due in part to the dramatic effect they have on the environment around them and how they can prevent...

Jo Maniscalco
June 2023
Overhead view of the ocean with a wave 2/3 of the way across. Superimposed with text reading "Bridging the gap between land and sea: wrap-up. #IESTurningTheTide." Bottom right corner features the IES and UN Ocean Decade logos.

At the start of 2023, we launched a year-long project 'Turning the Tide: Systems thinking for a sustainable ocean'. Across four key themes throughout the year, we are championing a systems thinking approach to issues affecting the marine and coastal environment and bringing together the marine...

Professor Hilary Kennedy
June 2023
Coastal mangrove forest

In this event, we heard from Professor Hilary Kennedy who described the Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems (CBCE) of mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrass meadows, covering their role in climate mitigation and the other ecosystem services they provide. Hilary shared details of how human activities are...

Joseph Lewis & Ethny Childs
June 2023
sunset with aesthetic pile of rocks with overlaid text "The Science: future of ES23 wrap-up"

Since February, the IES has been delving deeper into the future of environmental science as part of our Future of ES23 horizon scanning & foresight project, the second theme of which has been looking at 'the Science'.

Catch up with all the content from our second theme below to...

Joseph Lewis
June 2023
Field with overlaid text: "Environmental Improvement Plan: What's coming up in your specialism?"

In January 2023, the UK Government published its Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP) as the first update to its 25 Year Environment Plan. The Plan covers 10 high-level goals, most of which interact directly or indirectly with natural systems, environmental outcomes, and other policy...

Anton Bradley
June 2023
Graphic showing headshot of Anton Bradley alongside text reading "It was deeply satisfying to support an IES member to become a chartered scientist. I would encourage those seeking to become chartered to use the platform to find a mentor, as well as those recently chartered to support their peers.” Anton Bradley. Principle Land Quality Scientist at Jacobs (UK) Limited. Also features banner for #VolunteersWeel ask and the IES logo.

Anton Bradley, Principal Land Quality Scientist at Jacobs (UK) Limited, is one of our amazing mentors volunteering his time to support people in achieving their Chartered Scientist (CSci) Chartership. To coincide with Volunteers' Week 2023, we caught up with Anton to hear about his experience as...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
