From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Bernard Fisher
January 2020

Bernard Fisher, the newly appointed first President of the IAQM, opens the IAQM 2020 webinar series with a talk about the EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme).

In this talk, Bernard presents estimates of the number of premature deaths per year in the UK...

Phil Taylor
November 2019

Scotland's inshore seas have suffered significant declines through the 20th century, and we are now at a point where the fisheries that remain target the limited shellfish which are fished for in ways that are highly damaging to the integrity of the marine ecosystem. In 2015 a network of Marine...

Nigel Burton
November 2019

environmental SCIENTIST | The search for tranquility | October 2019

Nigel Burton explains the way that sound is used to increase bat safety around large infrastructure projects. 

High Speed 2 (HS2) is a high-speed railway that is...
William Bateman
October 2019

Coastal erosion is a growing global problem, driven by more frequent and increasingly intense storms, leading to a loss of land, and infrastructure, and also higher flood risks. Coral reefs are great natural barriers that already protect millions of people and provide essential habitats for...

Paul Nathanail & Roger Clark
October 2019

The Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) qualification is awarded to practitioners who are chartered (or equivalent) members of professional bodies who have demonstrated, in writing and interview, that they have the depth of skills and breadth of experience to take a leading role in...

Darren Lumbroso
October 2019
The impact of a changing climate on the severity of flooding has been demonstrated by a number of studies over the past decade. Increasing communities and critical infrastructure's resilience to flooding under a changing climate requires the implementation of a portfolio of measures; ranging from...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
