Blog content

Robert Ashcroft
October 2014

The five year term of the current European Commission officially draws to a close on the 31st October 2014.  As the EU policy cycle renews with the influx of new Commissioners, it is a good time to take stock, review the progress that has been made, and think about the challenges ahead....

Russell Corbyn
June 2014

This publication offers a concise overview of updates to the various guidance, legislation, technologies and requirements that rest with Local Authorities, Land Owners, Mine Owners and the general public. It is non-technical in nature and aimed at providing clear information with regard to...

Christopher Betts
May 2014

As a life-long naturalist with nearly three decades running an ecological consultancy, I find myself reaching boiling point over biodiversity offsetting, and simultaneously becoming sad because our native wildlife desperately needs all the help it can get. Every site’s ecology is particular to...

Mark Everard
April 2014

George Monbiot’s recent attack on biodiversity offsetting misses the point of the scheme and undermines the work of the scientists who developed it.  It is not the principle of placing a value on what nature does for us that is the problem; it is the recent interpretation of value that is at...

Peter Sanderson
April 2014

I work for a local authority and have spent several years encouraging reluctant residents to recycle. More recently I have been working with the Environment Protection team within the council to help local industries avoid releasing dust and chemical pollutants into the air. However, at heart I...

Andrew Grieve
August 2013

“161 micrograms of ozone per meter cubed of air as an eight hour rolling mean”.

Sorry, how many microwhats per meter cubes of who? Yes you’re right; it needs some context, some supporting information, a bit of explanation. OK, well, what would you like to know? What is a microgram? What...
