Graham Wood

Graham works as an Environmental Management Systems (EMS) auditor for Det Norske Veritas (DNV) in London. His role at DNV focuses primarily on audits to the ISO 14001 Standards, as well as Quality and Safety audits.

He has worked at DNV for 16 years, previously working as an environmental consultant. His work has included sampling strategies for various media, contaminated land investigations and environmental assessments.

He particularly enjoys the variety of the work that he does, having had experience in "just about every business sector" as well as considerable overseas experience.

One aspect of Graham’s work that is becoming more prominent currently is verification work for carbon management schemes as clients increasingly want to achieve verification for the carbon data that they report to their stakeholders.

Graham first became a Graduate Member of the IES in 1989. "I joined because at the time there were very few institutions catering for environmentalists as professionals and I have remained loyal to the IES ever since.

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